St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Before and After School Clubs (wraparound)

We offer wraparound care at St Nicholas. Our clubs are named St Nick's breakfast club and St Nick's tea club.  Details of how to book can be found below

To report absences or details of changes to collection arrangements please call the school phone number 020 8467 2993  and speak to the school office during school hours or press extension 4 to speak to the club staff during wraparound hours.

To discuss bookings or payments please email 

Further details can be found on the documents below: 

Key DocumentsWraparound Handbook_2025__with allergens list

St_Nicks_tea_club_terms_and_conditions.pdfSt_Nicks_breakfast_club_terms_and_conditions v1.2.pdfSt_Nicks_tea_club_booking_form.docxSt Nicks breakfast club booking form