St Nicholas Church of England Primary School


Admission Arrangements 2026/27 Consultation Responses

The Aquinas Church of England Education Trust (Aquinas) consulted on changes to the Admissions Arrangements for 2026/2027 for St Nicolas CE Primary School being a reduction in PAN from 32 to 30 for Years 3 to 6. The consultation ran from Friday 4th October 2024 to Friday 15th November 2024 inclusive and the rationale for the changes were detailed in the consultation paperwork already published. 

The responses to the consultation:

Parents - 1 parental response which supported the change.

Stakeholders - The Rochester Diocese Board of Education supports the change, and the London Borough of Bromley is neutral about the change.


The outcome of the consultation:

Following the consultation on the changes to the school’s admissions arrangements for 2026/27, the Trustees have approved the changes. The revised admission arrangements will be available on the school website by next year.


Trustees approved the changes to the admissions arrangements for all schools.