Welcome to St Nicholas Church of England Primary School
Laura Williams
Headteacher On behalf of our school community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our school website.
St Nicholas CE Primary School, is a successful school, committed to providing a welcoming, friendly and supportive environment for all. As a school community we are fully committed to our Christian ethos, which underpins our daily lives in and out of school.
As the Headteacher, I am proud and privileged to lead a distinctly Christian school. The staff are fully committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, which champions knowledge, independence, innovation, creativity and resilience. Our vision is to create confident and respectful young people, who are equipped with the necessary skills and attributes to become lifelong learners, willing to learn new skills and adapt to an ever-evolving world of technology.
Read MoreAquinas
Church of England Education Trust 
At Aquinas, we work together so that our learners have an exceptional education; one where individuality is celebrated, talents are nurtured and progress is sustained from early years to Post 16.
Established in 2013, the Trust was founded as a natural development of positive relationships built between neighbouring Church of England schools; initially in the Bromley area. In November 2018, we added two community schools to our family, Rye College and Rye Community Primary School in East Sussex.
find out MoreTestimonials 
- "Pupils love to learn at this kind and welcoming school. They achieve very well because of the well set out and highly ambitious curriculum. Staff and pupils also enjoy positive and warm relationships."OFSTED 2023
- "The longstanding but refreshed Christian vision and associated values have strong theological underpinning and are confidently expressed by leadership at all levels and deeply embedded across school life."SIAMS 2019
- "Trustees know the school well. They ensure that they support and challenge school leaders effectively. Staff feel extremely well supported by leaders. They are proud to work at this school."ofsted 2023
Choose Us?
Our school have six core Christian values which become our themes for acts of worship, celebration of achievement and our learning throughout the year.
Every half-term, we focus on one of our Christian values.
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